
Fidget Spinners: What Are They and Why Are They So Popular?

Fidget spinners are small, handheld devices that consist of a central bearing and two or more arms that spin around it. They are designed to be spun between the fingers or on a flat surface, creating a satisfying and soothing sensation. Fidget spinners are one of the most popular toys of 2017, and have been widely used by children and adults alike.

But what are the benefits and drawbacks of fidget spinners? How do they work and what are the different types available? And where can you find the best fidget spinners for your needs and preferences? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and more, and introduce you to some of the products offered by, an online store that specializes in fidget spinners and other fun and innovative gadgets.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Fidget Spinners

Fidget spinners have been claimed to have various benefits for people who use them, especially for those who suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, anxiety, or stress. Some of the alleged benefits are:

  • They can help improve focus and concentration by providing a physical outlet for excess energy and nervousness.
  • They can help reduce anxiety and stress by creating a calming and relaxing effect.
  • They can help improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills by stimulating the sensory and nervous systems.
  • They can help enhance creativity and problem-solving skills by stimulating the brain and encouraging divergent thinking.

However, these claims have not been scientifically proven, and some experts have expressed skepticism or criticism about the effectiveness and safety of fidget spinners. Some of the potential drawbacks are:

  • They can be distracting and disruptive for the user and others around them, especially in settings that require attention and quietness, such as classrooms or workplaces.
  • They can be addictive and habit-forming, leading to overuse and dependence on the device.
  • They can be harmful or dangerous if swallowed, broken, or thrown, causing injuries or choking hazards.
  • They can be contaminated or dirty, spreading germs or allergens.

Therefore, it is important to use fidget spinners with caution and moderation, and to consult a professional before using them as a therapy or a treatment for any medical condition.

How Fidget Spinners Work and What Types Are Available

Fidget spinners work by using the principles of physics, such as inertia, friction, and angular momentum. When a fidget spinner is spun, the central bearing acts as a pivot point, and the arms act as weights that create a force that keeps the spinner spinning. The faster the spinner spins, the more stable and balanced it becomes, due to the conservation of angular momentum. However, the spinner will eventually slow down and stop, due to the friction between the bearing and the air, which creates a drag force that opposes the spinning motion.

Fidget spinners come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and materials, and each one has its own characteristics and features. Some of the most common types are:

  • Plastic fidget spinners: These are the cheapest and most widely available fidget spinners, and are usually made of ABS plastic or other synthetic materials. They are lightweight and easy to spin, but they also tend to be noisy and low-quality, and can break or wear out easily.
  • Metal fidget spinners: These are the most durable and high-quality fidget spinners, and are usually made of brass, stainless steel, titanium, or aluminum. They are heavier and harder to spin, but they also tend to be quieter and smoother, and can spin for longer and faster.
  • LED fidget spinners: These are fidget spinners that have LED lights embedded in the arms, creating a colorful and flashy effect when spun. They are battery-powered and can have different modes and patterns of lighting. They are fun and attractive, but they also tend to be more expensive and less durable, and can run out of battery or malfunction.
  • Magnetic fidget spinners: These are fidget spinners that have magnets attached to the arms, allowing them to stick together or to other metal objects. They are versatile and interactive, and can be used to create different shapes and configurations. They are innovative and entertaining, but they also tend to be more costly and less stable, and can pose a risk of swallowing or injury.

Where to Find the Best Fidget Spinners for Your Needs and Preferences

If you are interested in buying a fidget spinner, you may be overwhelmed by the number and variety of options available on the market. How do you choose the best one for your needs and preferences? Here are some tips to help you:

  • Consider your budget and quality expectations. If you are looking for a cheap and simple fidget spinner, you may opt for a plastic one. If you are looking for a durable and high-quality fidget spinner, you may opt for a metal one. If you are looking for a fun and flashy fidget spinner, you may opt for an LED one. If you are looking for a versatile and interactive fidget spinner, you may opt for a magnetic one.
  • Consider your purpose and environment. If you are looking for a fidget spinner to help you with your focus and concentration, you may opt for a quiet and smooth one. If you are looking for a fidget spinner to help you with your anxiety and stress, you may opt for a calming and relaxing one. If you are looking for a fidget spinner to help you with your creativity and problem-solving, you may opt for a stimulating and challenging one.
  • Consider your personal taste and style. If you are looking for a fidget spinner that matches your personality and preferences, you may opt for one that has your favorite color, shape, design, or feature. You can also customize your fidget spinner by adding stickers, decals, or accessories.

If you are looking for a reliable and convenient place to buy fidget spinners online, you can check out, an online store that specializes in fidget spinners and other fun and innovative gadgets. They offer a wide range of fidget spinners, from plastic to metal, from LED to magnetic, and more. They also offer fast and free shipping, secure payment, and excellent customer service. You can browse their website and find the fidget spinner that suits your needs and preferences.

Cart In Mart is an online store that also sells a wide range of fidget toys for kids and adults. Some of their products include:

You can browse their collection of fidget toys here.

Some additional sentences are:

  • Fidget toys can also improve concentration, fine motor skills, and creativity for people with ADHD, autism, or other special needs.
  • Cart In Mart offers fast delivery, secure payment, and customer satisfaction. They also have discounts and deals on selected items.


Fidget spinners are small, handheld devices that spin between the fingers or on a flat surface, creating a satisfying and soothing sensation. They have been claimed to have various benefits for people who use them, especially for those who suffer from ADHD, autism, anxiety, or stress. However, they also have some potential drawbacks, such as being distracting, addictive, harmful, or dirty. Therefore, it is important to use fidget spinners with caution and moderation, and to consult a professional before using them as a therapy or a treatment for any medical condition.

Fidget spinners come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and materials, and each one has its own characteristics and features. Some of the most common types are plastic, metal, LED, and magnetic fidget spinners. To choose the best one for your needs and preferences, you should consider your budget, quality, purpose, environment, and personal taste. You can also customize your fidget spinner by adding stickers, decals, or accessories.

If you are interested in buying a fidget spinner online, you can check out, an online store that specializes in fidget spinners and other fun and innovative gadgets. They offer a wide range of fidget spinners, from plastic to metal, from LED to magnetic, and more. They also offer fast and free shipping, secure payment, and excellent customer service. You can browse their website and find the fidget spinner that suits your needs and preferences.

Fidget spinners are a fun and fascinating toy that can provide you with hours of entertainment and relaxation. Whether you use them for fun, for therapy, or for both, you can enjoy the spinning sensation and the benefits it brings. Happy spinning!

This website was developed by Leo Stacks.